
Each day the students will have the opportunity to go to workstations.  Students will be placed with a partner and they will rotate through stations each week.  There will be 12 different stations in the rotation, they are:

1. Meet with me
 At this station, students will be one on one with the teacher working on reading and writing. I will work on different skills with different groups, depending on academic ability.

2. Writing Station:
At this station, students will begin to write letters, words, sentences and paragraphs on a variety of topics.  There will be a variety of writing tools and paper placed at this station to help keep students engaged with writing.  (If you ever need to disgard any paper scraps, post-its, blank recipe cards, envelopes..ect...we would love to recycle them at our writing station!)

3. Classroom Library
At this station, students can read easy reader books, look at pictures, listen to stories or use Leap Pads to play reading games.

4. Art Station
 At this station, students will be presented with a TON of different art materials. They can create pictures, collages, puppets, cards...ect..  They will have the chance to be creative and let their imagination soar.  Some of the materials available include: feathers, pom-poms, popsicle sticks, glitter, buttons, foam letters/shapes, markers, colored pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, pipe cleaners, beans, cotton, felt, tissue paper...ect. This is a class FAVORITE!

5. Computer Station: At this station, students will work on their different computer skills while choosing from a variety of games to play.

6. Fine Motor Station:
At this station, students will work on their fine motor development though different activities.  Some of the activities include: play-dough, moon-sand, cutting practice, magna doodles, lacing beads, pot holder making, writing practice and lacing cards.

7. Puzzles/Games Station:
At this station, students will be able to choose a game or puzzle to do.  There are many different games in this station, all of which are reading or math related.

8. ABC Station
At this station, students will have a variety of different alphabet related activities to do.  They can use magnet letters, dry erase boards, sound matching games, letter identification games, sight word games, word building games...ect.

9. Science Station:
At this station, students will be able to explore through many different hands on activities and tools. There are two parts to this station, the observation table and experiment table.  At the observation table, students will be able to observe many different exciting living things! They can watch the life cylce of meal worms, the habitat of a hermit crab, how a Venus fly trap works, and many different plants.  At the experiment table students have the opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of materials. There are magnet wands and different magnets, thermometers, scales, magnifying glasses, a variety of fossils, and many kinds of bug and insect specimens.

10. Math Station: At this station, students will be engaged in a variety of different math skills and concepts.  They will work with geo-boards, pattern cards, Everyday Math games, graphing material, number tracks, sorting items, number identification games and so much more.

11.  Block Station: At this station students will have the pleasure to explore their imagination though many different choices.  There are a variety of different types of blocks and legos to use to help stimulate creativity and imagination. 

12. Promethean Board Station: At this station students will play many different games on our Promethean Board.  This is an interactive white board that provides a numerous amount of  resources for our classroom.  Students will be able to play different games and writing activities electronically.