Tour Our Classroom

View from front door

Another view from front door
Tattle Telephone

"We are good writers" board
"Birthday Beach"

Writing Station Board

Writing station and below writing station is our puzzles/games station.

Classroom Library

Computer Station

Our art wall and you can kind of see our art station table, behind table are the shelves below.

Art station supplies

Fine motor station supplies are in green baskets and ABC station supplies are in red.

ABC Station Board

ABC station with all of my supplies on shelves above the table.

Our hermit crabs and worms live in our science station.

Science station supplies and table.

A view of our science station (we have an observation table and an experiment table). You can see our behavior chart on back door.

The two crates are for turning in our FISH binders we use, under the crates is the block station.

Math Station Supplies

You can see the science station on one side of the shelf (where the table is) and the math station is on the other side.  My husband made me this wonderful two-sided shelf! =)

Our promethean board and group meeting area.  This is where we do most of our learning!  Thanks to my awesome dad for building me this cool stage the kids can stand on to reach the board! I will be painting it next summer! (there is a giant rug here too, but I didnt get it in the picture, it is REALLY cute, it has a large pond on it with cat tails and a bridge!) =)  Oh, this is also our Promethean Board station.

This is the table where the kids meet with me during station time. On the board behind the table you can see our word wall and table points.